Playing with Fire

Playing With fire sounds dangerous, but the FIRE movement is actually not about danger. In a way, it’s more about safety – or at least, having a safety net. Today, it’s not realistic to plan to work for the rest of your life. People are living longer thanks to better health practices and medicine, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re able to work for all of that extra time. So how can you make sure that you have the money you need to live on when you reach a point where working is no longer feasible or desirable? The answer lies in financial independence. Listen to the episode to learn more about the FIRE movement and the journey toward financial independence. 

Topics Discussed in This Episode: 

  • Your position following a bankruptcy filing
  • What the fire movement is all about
  • How you reach financial independence
  • Whether it’s realistic to work for the rest of your life
  • The financial independence mindset
  • Investing for your future
  • Compound interest
  • How to start saving 

Links and Resources: 

Choose FI

Mr. Money Mustache


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